
Roadtrip–Albuquerque, NM - Anatomy of a Balloon Ride


I created this slideshow from a series of pictures captured at the 2009 Balloon Festival that we attended  in Albuquerque, NM. There's more work to getting one of these into the air than one imagines. Click anywhere in the black background area that surrounds the current picture being shown to PAUSE the show and then use the Back button to rewind to the beginning with slide #01, then press the Play button. 

The slideshow below is designed to run automatically in place, however, the slides move too fast to read the captions.. Clicking anywhere in the black background area that surrounds the picture being shown will PAUSE the show and bring up the Pause, Forward and Back menu at the bottom of the slideshow window, allowing you to start, stop and manually forward pictures one at a time.

To view the slideshow full-screen, click in the middle of the running show. When the new browser window appears, click on the left side of the menu where it says "slideshow".
Slideshow Description: The slideshow above contains 21 pictures that were taken at the 2009 Balloon Festival held in Albuquerque, NM.